Strategy Implementation Roadmap (SIR)

~Robin Speculand
~Robin Speculand
~Antonio Nieto Rodriguez
~Antonio Nieto Rodriguez

"Leaders need both the ability to craft the right strategy and the skills to implement it."

This service is based on the implementation of The Strategy Implementation Roadmap, developed by The Strategy Implementation Institute, and focuses on seven domains for executive management and various business units to follow certain practices, often missed, leading to a lack of strategy realization.

The overarching policy is that organizations can outsource the crafting of the strategy, but they cannot outsource its implementation. As such, localization and capability building is essential, while the role of executive leadership is highlighted heavily for the proper execution of the strategy.

Strategy Implementation engagements often include consulting, mentoring and coaching, especially for tier-one managers and executives.

Strategy is choice. Strategy means saying no to certain kinds of things.

~ Michael Porter

Strategy is in Choices, Execution is Actions: How to take the right execution actions (originally appeared on

  • Strategy focuses on thinking; execution centers on doing

In February 2021, the Strategy Implementation Institute held a virtual conference to discuss the future of strategy implementation. Distinguished speakers included Professor Rita McGrath from Columbia University and Professor Tony O'Driscoll from Duke University as well as senior leaders from APMG International and Singapore Airlines.

Conference delegates not only heard presentations from the speakers but also discussed their impact in breakout sessions where they identified future trends for strategy implementation.

The conference became the catalyst for crafting a whitepaper, which highlights these six future trends for strategy implementation:


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